
Part1:BackupiPhonetoPCviaMobileTrans[Windows&Mac]·Step1:ConnectiPhonetoComputer·Step2:SelectFilesforBackup·Step3:BackupData.,Butthankfully,youcanbackupyouriPhonedataonaWindowsPCaswell.LearnwaystobackupiPhonefilesinthiscompleteguide.TryDropboxcloudstorage.,OnyouriDevices,gotoSettings>[User'sName]>iCloud.IfyourdeviceisrunningiOS16oriPad16orlater,youcanfindyourbackupfilesbyclicking ...,...

3 Methods to Backup iPhone to Computer?

Part 1: Backup iPhone to PC via MobileTrans [Windows & Mac] · Step 1: Connect iPhone to Computer · Step 2: Select Files for Backup · Step 3: Backup Data.

How to Backup an iPhone on Windows 10 and 11

But thankfully, you can back up your iPhone data on a Windows PC as well. Learn ways to back up iPhone files in this complete guide. Try Dropbox cloud storage.

How to Find iPhone Backup Location on Windows 10 and ...

On your iDevices, go to Settings > [User's Name] > iCloud. If your device is running iOS 16 or iPad 16 or later, you can find your backup files by clicking ...

Locate backups of your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

2024年2月7日 — Type or copy and paste ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ in the pathname window. Find backups stored on your PC. Press Windows + ...

Where are iPad and iPhone backups stored on PC or Mac?

2019年8月23日 — iTunes backups are stored in %APPDATA%-Apple Computer-MobileSync on Windows. On Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista, this'll be a path like -Users-[ ...

Where Are iPhone Backups Stored on Your Mac or PC?

2023年6月12日 — iTunes backups are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ on macOS. You can click the magnifying glass in the menu bar and ...

Where are iPhone backups stored? Find your iTunes ...

2023年6月8日 — On Windows systems, your iPhone backups are usually located here: -Users-(username)-AppData-Roaming-Apple Computer-MobileSync-Backup- . However, ...

[Solved] Where is iPhone Backup Stored on PC

For quick access to your iPhone backup on Windows 10/7, just open File Explorer and input the following command;. “C:-Users-Your username-AppData-Roaming ...